Click on that baby!!!:
Yep, after taking classes at the BYU Salt Lake Center for three semesters, I have finally been admitted to BYU. I've never been so terrified to open an email in my life, but now I can finally get on with my education, decide on a major (I've already chosen business as my minor), and feel like I BELONG somewhere. Yes! Commuting to Salt Lake City twice a month is officially getting old what with the traffic, accidents, and construction 24/7. This past Monday it took me two hours to get home and on Wednesday, an hour and a half. Oh and I will definitely not miss filling my car up every 9 days. Lets just say I'm beyond excited with life right now. As a little gift to myself...I sort of bought this backpack. But I really do need it! I've had the same backpack since grade eight. Stupid, I know.