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Click on that baby!!!:

Yep, after taking classes at the BYU Salt Lake Center for three semesters, I have finally been admitted to BYU. I've never been so terrified to open an email in my life, but now I can finally get on with my education, decide on a major (I've already chosen business as my minor), and feel like I BELONG somewhere. Yes! Commuting to Salt Lake City twice a month is officially getting old what with the traffic, accidents, and construction 24/7. This past Monday it took me two hours to get home and on Wednesday, an hour and a half. Oh and I will definitely not miss filling my car up every 9 days. Lets just say I'm beyond excited with life right now. As a little gift to myself...I sort of bought this backpack. But I really do need it! I've had the same backpack since grade eight. Stupid, I know.


i got mail

My wonderful brother Clark sent me this in the mail! He promised to make me a CD and this is what he sent. For some reason I can't stop listening to one particular song though... Its really weird. 

Right when I heard it, I automatically loved it. I've probably listened to it 100 times and all the other ones maybe twice. There is just something about it, ya know? It is called The Dreamer by The Tallest Man on Earth. One day I'll learn the guitar and I'll be able to play it! The lyrics are so so good.


I just about died.

Words cannot express how much I love this ring. Pretty sure I will think of nothing else for at least the next month? Yeahhh.