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I think it's about time I write a little something about my JOB. So I work for a man named Jon McNaughton. Jon is from Utah and is a fine art painter. He is such a kind hearted, talented person. I've only worked for him at McNaughton Fine Art Company for about two months now, but I already take genuine pride in what I do and for what purpose it is being done. When I first started out, I was working in the warehouse where we would physically package each painting that was ordered via the website, print off the shipping label, and ship it off to the customer. Shortly after that I started working one shift a week in the gallery Jon has over at the Provo mall. The gallery shift has two pros: one, we get to sit behind a desk and do basically whatever we want (for me it was homework assignments, browsing the internet, reading...) and second, we get to watch people's facial expressions right when they see Jon's 'Forgotten Man' painting. If you haven't seen it yet, you should probably check it out. Most people have a look on their faces like "I can't believe someone actually painted this". I've yet to encounter someone who hates it and takes offense, but according to the 'chief of mall security' there have been some issues in the past involving a gallery visitor being kicked out of the mall? I was honestly a little bit afraid of working at the gallery sometimes! Working at the warehouse and the gallery made it very clear that Jon has some very devoted fans, but it wasn't until I started doing some marketing stuff that I saw just how many 'followers' Jon has. Most of the time, just seconds after posting something on Facebook Jon would have like three people that 'like' what he posted or there would be a couple of comments. It's craziness! Anyways...It has been a really great experience working for such a unique company and person. The company itself went through TONS of changes while I was there so its been fun to see it grow and to even help it grow in some ways. My supervisor/ boss Ryan makes working there really fun and is completely open to any new ideas to help the business run smoother. Next semester I'll be pretty busy with my first semester at BYU but I may be able to stay with the company and possibly work from home?! I'm excited.

McNaughton Fine Art WEBSITE   McNaughton Fine Art BLOG



I am so into fall. And when I see this sort of stuff I reeeaally wish I had someone/something to make cool things for. I'm really into presentation so when I make things for only myself it all feels like a waste because no one can see it! So lately I just don't put the effort in. As far as I'm concerned the only solution is to buy an extremely nice camera and take pictures of them!? Eeh?
1   2   3


Click on that baby!!!:

Yep, after taking classes at the BYU Salt Lake Center for three semesters, I have finally been admitted to BYU. I've never been so terrified to open an email in my life, but now I can finally get on with my education, decide on a major (I've already chosen business as my minor), and feel like I BELONG somewhere. Yes! Commuting to Salt Lake City twice a month is officially getting old what with the traffic, accidents, and construction 24/7. This past Monday it took me two hours to get home and on Wednesday, an hour and a half. Oh and I will definitely not miss filling my car up every 9 days. Lets just say I'm beyond excited with life right now. As a little gift to myself...I sort of bought this backpack. But I really do need it! I've had the same backpack since grade eight. Stupid, I know.


i got mail

My wonderful brother Clark sent me this in the mail! He promised to make me a CD and this is what he sent. For some reason I can't stop listening to one particular song though... Its really weird. 

Right when I heard it, I automatically loved it. I've probably listened to it 100 times and all the other ones maybe twice. There is just something about it, ya know? It is called The Dreamer by The Tallest Man on Earth. One day I'll learn the guitar and I'll be able to play it! The lyrics are so so good.


I just about died.

Words cannot express how much I love this ring. Pretty sure I will think of nothing else for at least the next month? Yeahhh.


I want it!!

Alright. This weekend at our Regional Conference/ CES Fireside I was 
fortunate enough to hear from:

President Boyd K. Packer
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Elder Richard G. Scott
Sister Julie B. Beck
Elder Steven E. Snow
and Elder Glen L. Rudd

Oh! And on Tuesday I'll hear from:
Elder Robert D. Hales

Brad & I were able to sit on the third row for Regional Conference. Normally I really don't care where I sit for things like this, just so long as I'm there- but sitting that close to such amazing and powerful people was a really great experience. I loved watching them off the camera. I absolutely love how the prophets and apostles treat their wives. You can just see how dear they are to them. I know the apostles and prophets are inspired by God to bring us certain messages but Sister Beck's talk wasn't a talk at all- it was her straight up telling us what Heavenly Father wanted us to hear. Soo cool. Elder Scott's talk was my favorite though. First of all I was with a really fun date. But the icing on the cake or whatever was when he just walked over to a little set up on the left side of the microphone where his grandson and new wife sat on sofas with a nice little coffee table and plants. It was the best. I think you'd have to see it to understand how strange and funny it was. Here's the link if you care. He mostly talked about his wife who died twelve years ago. He told us of their family life and every story he told about his wife and children made me tear up. I can't wait to have kids to love. He mentioned that him and his wife would leave little notes all around the house for each other to find. He still has one in the kitchen that says something like "Its time to say I love you". Yep. Wonderful. Basically, even though I felt pretty down on Sunday- My day/weekend was too amazing to not be uplifted. Our church is true. It just IS!
My first antique!


my project for the day:

...let the sky be grey.

Its a liiittle bit hard for me to get out of bed in the morning when 1. It has been raining for two days straight 2. Its my day off and 3. Small lakes are forming in my garden that I planted earlier this week. And since I finished my first book on my summer reading list (Jane Eyre), I figure I can get away with a good session of browsing the internet! Right? This is what I found:

1. source   2. source   3. source

1. source   2. source   3. source

Film Camera- Trial Roll

I took these with my grandpa's old Canon film camera but I don't know how to use the settings yet!


Yesterday at work I got to work the store by my self for six hours and things got a liiiitle bit boring stocking shelves and such, so I tried to make my day better by putting some music on that I actually enjoy. Instead of the up-tempo country/Taylor Swift/We Shot the Moon playlist that gets played over and over again, I turned on Chicago! I love this band I think, mainly because my dad would play the greatest hits cd in our old house in california along with Natalie Cole on occasion and would teach us kids how to dance. So as my Chicago playlist is playing and I'm stocking, Saturday in the Park (my ultimate favorite) came on and as soon as it did, I could hear this man humming and whistling along as he waited for his wife while she was trying some stuff on. He slowly made his way over to me and commented on my choice of music. I love talking to older people (not the grumpy ones) that come into the store. They're usually so witty, clever and polite! So the point of this story is that this man and I started talking about how unique the classics are like Chicago and Pink Floyd. All in all we agreed that the majority of popular music today lacks talent and class. (Side note- he was originally from London so it made the conversation that much better). As soon as he left I went through my ipod to kind of analyze the kind of music I've been listening to lately and found that some of my favorite artists really are talented and unique. My number one- She & Him. Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward got together a couple of years ago and made an almost anonymous album simply titled Volume One, then later a Volume Two. They wanted their music to speak for itself. I love it! Zooey writes the songs and M. Ward produces and arranges them. To me, their music is the epitome of springtime.


While I was unpacking my room last week I ran into a problem. Where should I hang my jewelry?! Back in my Utah apartment I did this:
However, now that I've moved back home to my lovely room that was dry-walled only about 2 years ago--I can't nail a ton of holes in my wall.
I hardly EVER wear jewelry (earrings=never), so this is more just for looks and a way to get my jewelry out of a box. Idea inspired by this.


Alright ya'll. I made the pizza crust! When all was said and done, I really liked it. During the process, however, I was a bit skeptical. It seemed too easy- just a tablespoon of yeast and a tablespoon of sugar? The weird combination of ingredients also threw me off, but the end product was sooo soft and yummy. The sea salt definitely did its thing! I over cooked mine a tad but still good! Lou Lou- give it a shot, its extremely easy.



Last week my best friend and I road tripped it down to Thousand Oaks! I haven't been back there for about 2 years and it felt AMAZING to have my car down there. I moved when I was fifteen so I never got the chance to drive around. It was the best feeling to know exactly where everything was even though I had never driven there before!
Of course, the first day we got there it was raining, so we just went to my favorite beach El Matador to cuddle up in some blankets and listen to the ocean (below) but the next day the skies were clear so we headed to Zuma all morning and soaked up as much sun as we could!
Unfortunately, we over-did the sun-soaking and got ridiculously burned. And now I am peeling like crazy...Ooops?
Driving in the canyons with only our swimsuits on and the windows down, listening to Vampire Weekend and the 500 Days of Summer soundtrack made the trip for me.

And these are some of the things I LOVE about California:

protraro, nordic nursery, the 101freeway, green everything, flowers, palmgrove avenue, squirrels, lynn road, the oaks, Greenmeadow park, el matador, Zuma, NPHS, lizards, seagulls, home, orange trees, in n out, the sun, cleanness, Longs, Baja Fresh, strawberries, good drivers (ha)!


This is me posting instead of studying.

Yesterday I bought this SEA SALT to make this recipe! My cousin Stephanie posts recipes on this website thingy and she claims it is the best pizza dough recipe, so I'm going to give it a shot when I have some time. I'm hoping its good cause it looks soo easy. Oh, and I just love the packaging of Morton salt...



I am so happy!


My new leather jacket! Owning a leather jacket was a completely foreign concept to me about 6 months ago, but ever since my best friend Julia bought one I've been slowly warming up to the idea. I finally decided a black leather jacket was something I wanted, so I looked EVERYWHERE for the kind I like--no luck. Anyways...I finally found this one at Urban Outfitters on sale!


I just watched Dirty Dancing for the first time and loooved it--Especially the clothing. This is what I wish I could wear everyday this summer. Mmmmm



Stuff You Missed In History Class

I have found a new pastime! My sister first discovered these amazing (and free) podcasts, and now I'm hooked. Along with many other topics on , Stuff You Missed In History Class podcasts have very interesting history topics you can download straight from iTunes onto you iPod--So great for road trips. The podcasts are typically discussed by two girls, both of whom are very knowledgeable and interesting to listen to.


Pretty Little Photos

These photos are representative of things or ideas I LOVE.

I like this band.

Bon Iver first entered my life when my oldest brother Clark came for a visit from Hawaii, bringing with him all him amazing, different, and very indie music with him! I've just recently gotten into the lyrics and I have to concur with Clark that Justin Vernon is a genius. My personal favorites of his are For Emma & Blindsided. Check him out! This is a perfect picture of him--It's exactly how I feel when I listen to his music.