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I want it!!

Alright. This weekend at our Regional Conference/ CES Fireside I was 
fortunate enough to hear from:

President Boyd K. Packer
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Elder Richard G. Scott
Sister Julie B. Beck
Elder Steven E. Snow
and Elder Glen L. Rudd

Oh! And on Tuesday I'll hear from:
Elder Robert D. Hales

Brad & I were able to sit on the third row for Regional Conference. Normally I really don't care where I sit for things like this, just so long as I'm there- but sitting that close to such amazing and powerful people was a really great experience. I loved watching them off the camera. I absolutely love how the prophets and apostles treat their wives. You can just see how dear they are to them. I know the apostles and prophets are inspired by God to bring us certain messages but Sister Beck's talk wasn't a talk at all- it was her straight up telling us what Heavenly Father wanted us to hear. Soo cool. Elder Scott's talk was my favorite though. First of all I was with a really fun date. But the icing on the cake or whatever was when he just walked over to a little set up on the left side of the microphone where his grandson and new wife sat on sofas with a nice little coffee table and plants. It was the best. I think you'd have to see it to understand how strange and funny it was. Here's the link if you care. He mostly talked about his wife who died twelve years ago. He told us of their family life and every story he told about his wife and children made me tear up. I can't wait to have kids to love. He mentioned that him and his wife would leave little notes all around the house for each other to find. He still has one in the kitchen that says something like "Its time to say I love you". Yep. Wonderful. Basically, even though I felt pretty down on Sunday- My day/weekend was too amazing to not be uplifted. Our church is true. It just IS!