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I think it's about time I write a little something about my JOB. So I work for a man named Jon McNaughton. Jon is from Utah and is a fine art painter. He is such a kind hearted, talented person. I've only worked for him at McNaughton Fine Art Company for about two months now, but I already take genuine pride in what I do and for what purpose it is being done. When I first started out, I was working in the warehouse where we would physically package each painting that was ordered via the website, print off the shipping label, and ship it off to the customer. Shortly after that I started working one shift a week in the gallery Jon has over at the Provo mall. The gallery shift has two pros: one, we get to sit behind a desk and do basically whatever we want (for me it was homework assignments, browsing the internet, reading...) and second, we get to watch people's facial expressions right when they see Jon's 'Forgotten Man' painting. If you haven't seen it yet, you should probably check it out. Most people have a look on their faces like "I can't believe someone actually painted this". I've yet to encounter someone who hates it and takes offense, but according to the 'chief of mall security' there have been some issues in the past involving a gallery visitor being kicked out of the mall? I was honestly a little bit afraid of working at the gallery sometimes! Working at the warehouse and the gallery made it very clear that Jon has some very devoted fans, but it wasn't until I started doing some marketing stuff that I saw just how many 'followers' Jon has. Most of the time, just seconds after posting something on Facebook Jon would have like three people that 'like' what he posted or there would be a couple of comments. It's craziness! Anyways...It has been a really great experience working for such a unique company and person. The company itself went through TONS of changes while I was there so its been fun to see it grow and to even help it grow in some ways. My supervisor/ boss Ryan makes working there really fun and is completely open to any new ideas to help the business run smoother. Next semester I'll be pretty busy with my first semester at BYU but I may be able to stay with the company and possibly work from home?! I'm excited.

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I am so into fall. And when I see this sort of stuff I reeeaally wish I had someone/something to make cool things for. I'm really into presentation so when I make things for only myself it all feels like a waste because no one can see it! So lately I just don't put the effort in. As far as I'm concerned the only solution is to buy an extremely nice camera and take pictures of them!? Eeh?
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