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'oh, baby, it's not a gain'

I recently became obsessed with Eisley's new album The Valley and shortly after my friend informed me that they were playing in Salt Lake...Words cannot describe how amazing this show was. If I could make music, this is exactly what it would sound like. The band is basically a family (pretty sure its three sisters, a brother, and a cousin). If you want to check them out, The Valley and Ambulance are my two favorite tracks from their new album. This song I posted is a really good one, too. I chose this particular one because the beginning is exactly how I've felt a whole lot of times lately. Gah I'm seriously being such a girl. Just stop reading this blog.

Eisley - I Wish


no said...

i love this blog and i will never stop reading.

Marilee said...

ME TOO!!!!

Marilou said...

Yah Michelle, why would anybody stop reading your cute blog. It's so you! I'm not gonna stop either.